Submit Quote For AV2165936-2 by General Dynamics Land Systems Inc with NSN 5935-01-596-0978

Part Number : AV2165936-2

NSN : 5935-01-596-0978 (5935015960978)

Item Name : connector plug electrical

CAGE Code : 07BS6

Alternate P/N :  AV21659362

INC Code : 01938

NCB Code : 01

FSG : 59 Electrical and Electronic Equipment Components

NIIN : 01-596-0978 (015960978)

Country : USA

You can submit the RFQ form below for Part Number AV2165936-2, Connector Plug Electrical by Manufacturer General Dynamics Land Systems Inc with NSN 5935015960978. Please ensure that all information is appropriately filled. These answers will help us offer you a better service.

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NSN Information for Part Number AV2165936-2 with NSN 5935-01-596-0978, 5935015960978


Item Description:

Connector Plug Electrical


Part AV2165936-2 With Different Manufacturers


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